BCN Telecom

BCN Telecom

Company Website

Company Overview

BCN is a closely held and operated communications technology solutions provider with corporate headquarters in Morristown, New Jersey. BCN custom configures communications technology solutions based on a vast portfolio of voice, data, cloud, and wireless services from an array of network and technology partners. In addition, BCN provides customers with a consolidated monthly invoice for all services, a single point of contact for service and support, and a state-of-the-art portal to manage their BCN business. For over 26 years, BCN has delivered best-in-class technology solutions domestically and internationally to business customers.

Geographic Reach/Areas of Focus

Products/Services Offered

  • Data center and hybrid cloud

Target Customer

Global enterprises across various industries including maritime, construction, retail/branch, logistics and transport, robotics and IOT, energy and mining, events, etc.

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